Build Green, Live Green

At Hindustan Infrastructure, we’re forging a path towards a sustainable future with our innovative product, Hindustan Green ( H-Green ).This commitment stems from our core belief that eco-friendly construction isn’t just a choice but a responsibility. 

Hindustan Green embodies our mission to revolutionise the construction industry by offering GGBS and UGGBS, a green alternative.

Unlocking Sustainability with

These materials, when incorporated into concrete, can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of construction projects by substituting a substantial portion of Portland cement. Their use not only contributes to environmental sustainability but also enhances the durability and strength of the final concrete product.

What is GGBS ?

Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) is revolutionising the construction industry by offering an eco-friendly alternative to traditional cement. Its incorporation into concrete significantly enhances the sustainability, durability, and overall environmental footprint of construction projects.

What is UGGBS ?

UGGBS is advancing construction with its eco-friendly edge. It boosts concrete’s durability and environmental friendliness, cutting down the industry’s carbon footprint. Its finer particles lead to tougher structures and encourage recycling, making it a smart choice for sustainable building.

Benefits of Using GGBS & UGGBS


Less Permeability


More Stiffening Time


Reduce Heat


Lower Water Demand


Long term Strength


50% Cost Saving


High Resistance


Reduce Cracking

Meet our clients

Discover the stories of sustainable innovation and success behind our esteemed partners in our mission for green construction.